Thanks to everyone who has been able to contribute to our fundraising to take our case to VCAT. I'm pleased to confirm we've successfully raised the amount required and can now instruct our advocate, John Glossop, to proceed with our submission.
As mentioned below, the hearing commences on Wednesday, 23 June at 10:00 am and is scheduled to run for three days. If you have some time around this date, or are working in the city, please put aside some time to come in to view proceedings. It would be great if we could demonstrate to the Tribunal the broad support from residents for our push.
As stated in our emails to the group, our chief remaining concerns for the revised plans are for significant visual bulk presented to properties down the middle of the block between Union and Bridge Streets by the proposed apartment complex, and the major traffic impact on our local streets flowing from doubling our local population. When considered against concurrent traffic developments, such as the redirection of vehicles from High Street down Merri Parade to assign priority to the Bundoora tram, plus the single-lane status of South Park Street, we are looking at a major transformation of our precinct into a frustrating and dangerous tangle of vehicles. Let's keep our streets peaceful, safe and accessible.